The city of Caesarea Philippi was about 25 kms north of the Sea of Galilee. Our reading speaks of Christ being in that area, no doubt visiting the nearby villages. We may wonder what prompted Christ's question to the disciples concerning His exact identity. Perhaps questions had been asked in the various villages or perhaps He was testing to see what they themselves were thinking. Their first replies echoed what the general population was saying - that Jesus was a great prophet returned from the dead. Then Christ asked another question, this time more personal, "What is your own opinion? Who do you really think I am?" Peter was often the spokesman for the twelve. He took up Christ's question and made a great statement, "You are the Christ, the Messiah. You are the Son of the living God." One of the first statements Peter had heard about Christ came from his brother, Andrew, "we have found the Messiah (the Christ)." Now he declares it again openly. Christ complimented Peter and said that this truth must have been revealed to Peter by the Spirit of God working in his heart. Then Christ added two statements which have been interpreted in so many ways by various groups. Firstly, the Rock on which Christ has built the church is not Peter but rather on the truth which Peter had stated. The church is built on Christ the Son of God. Peter and other apostles built on that foundation but they are not the rock on which the true church stands. Christ alone is that Rock. Secondly, by his later preaching, Peter showed that the door to salvation was open to all. Anyone preaching the Gospel of forgiveness through Christ is doing exactly the same today. If we know the Gospel ourselves, it is our responsibility to share that news with others. Let us make sure we are doing our part for Christ's sake and theirs today. |