今天,我們很難準確指出基督登山變像的地點。要是祂仍然在加利利海北面的地區,那麼最可能的地點便是黑門山。要是祂已回到南部,就可能是在加利利的某個小山。今天的以色列嚮導認為是後者。 登山變像仿如一個異象;但它是一個事實,基督確實有好幾分鐘時間,將祂在天上的榮光顯出來。這必是一個奇異的景象──對親眼看見的門徒來說,仿如預先瞥見天堂的景象。摩西和以利亞分別是律法和先知的代表,他們在這榮耀的時刻也和基督一同顯現。馬可福音告訴我們,他們與基督談論祂將要在耶路撒冷受死的事。 彼得衝口而出地說,他們應該留在那裡,為基督、摩西和以利亞搭三座棚。他話沒說完,神便親自降臨,帶走摩西和以利亞,並說:「這是我的愛子,我所喜悅的,你們要聽祂!」(我們可以加上一句:「不要將任何人置於我兒子同一地位。」) 接著,基督還吩咐那三位門徒,不要把這經歷告訴任何人。為甚麼不呢?也許,在這種或其他情形下,門徒很容易四處傳講各種基督的故事和祂所行的神蹟,結果可能引來很多人要立耶穌為王;但耶穌卻極不願意這事發生。 基督告訴他們事實是,祂將要到耶路撒冷受苦、受死和復活。他們當時還不明白。其後,直至基督復活,聖靈降臨之後,他們才恍然大悟,將這些奇妙的真理向人傳講。我們如今得知他們的經歷何等奇妙,我們也盼望有一天能親見基督的榮耀。 |
Today it is difficult to pinpoint the exact location of Christ's Transfiguration. If He was still in the area north of the Sea of Galilee, then Mt. Hermon is the most likely place. If he had returned south, then some hill in Galilee could be the place. Guides in Israel today point out the latter. The Transfiguration seems an illusion but it was an actual event where Christ, for a few minutes, shone out in all His heavenly glory. It must have been an amazing sight - a foretaste of heaven itself for those who saw it. Moses and Elijah, representing the law and the prophets, joined Him for these glorious moments. Mark's Gospel tells us that they talked with Christ about His coming death in Jerusalem. Peter blurted out that they should stay there and build tabernacles for Christ and the other two. But when he said that, God reached down from heaven and pulled back Moses and Elijah and said, "This is my Son, my chosen One. Listen to Him." (We could add, "Don't try to put anyone else on the same level as my Son.") Then Christ told the three disciples not to mention this experience to anyone. Why not? It was possible on this occasion, and on others too, that the disciples might very easily have spread all kinds of stories about Christ and the miracles He had done. The result could have been an uprising by the people wanting to make Him king. This was something Christ did not want to happen. Christ shared with them the reality that He was going to Jerusalem to suffer and die and rise again. They didn't understand all this just then. Later, after His resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit, it all fell into place and they were able to share these amazing truths with all who would listen. We know now how wonderful it must have been for them and we look forward to seeing Christ in His glory for ourselves some day. |