2009年10月2日 星期五

2009-10-02 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   提多書一章5至9節
保羅在這幾節經文,清楚表明他寫這封書信的目的。他似乎只在革哩底作短暫停留,卻在那裡建立了不少小型的教會,而需要一些有很強委身心志的領袖,繼續帶領它們。迪信(F. W. Dixon)指出:「一間教會之所以變得壯大或弱小、繼續成長或逐步衰亡、活力充滿或暮氣沉沉,主要在於它有怎樣的領袖。」






Day 2

Bible Reading:   Titus 1:5-9
Paul's purpose in writing is spelled out very plainly in these verses. It would seem his visit to Crete was rather brief. But he left behind a number of small churches, which needed strong dedicated leadership. F. W. Dixon wrote, "Whether a church is strong or weak, a living force or a dying cause, powerful or lacking in vitality, depends largely on the leadership of the church."

Paul's list of requirements for these leaders is plainly stated. That person must be blameless and of unquestioned integrity. He must be a faithful husband and a wise father. He will not merely insist on his own way and he must not be quick-tempered. Pastoral work requires enormous patience at times.

On the positive side, a leader must be generous in hospitality and a lover of good things. Hospitality is often mentioned in connection with the early church. No doubt it covered not only church members but visitors to that town as well. Even today no greater help can be given to many in our churches, than to be invited to someone's home for a meal.

Then Paul continues the list of qualifications in short, strong terms - self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. Leaders must be trustworthy, sympathetic, Christ-like, and continually careful of their behaviour, public and private. Any church with leaders like that will prosper.

Paul has listed personal qualifications. Now he turns to the leader's stand for the truth. These points should be true of every leader, teacher or preacher in any church. "He must have settled convictions. He must know the Bible, believe the Bible, and hold fast to the truth of the Bible." He must be able to speak out against false doctrine.

Lord, give us more leaders and teachers like that. Amen.

