2009年10月1日 星期四

2009-10-01 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   提多書一章1至4節



英文的引伸版聖經(Amplified Version)為第1節下半節提供的意譯,很值得我們用心揣摩。它說:「激發和強化神選民的信心,引導他們正確分辨、認識和熟悉真理,就是那屬乎敬虔、等同敬虔和催化敬虔的真理。」讓我們細味這句意譯的含意。第一句特別強調我們對初信者的責任,提醒我們要悉心餵養和扶立這些屬靈的初生嬰孩。


Day 1

Bible Reading:   Titus 1: 1-4
Last month we looked at Paul's two letters to Timothy. It is generally thought that this letter to Titus was written between 1st and 2nd Timothy, possibly after Paul's first imprisonment. We have no certain details of a visit by Paul to Crete, except that his ship touched there on his journey to Rome. He must have gone there later with Titus whom he left behind to complete the work begun during his visit.

Notice how Paul describes himself in verse1, "A bond-slave of God." He was God's slave. God owned every part of him in total commitment. Paul said it again in 1 Corinthians 6:20. We are not our own, we have been bought by Christ, something we need to recognise continually.

"Being an apostle of Jesus Christ," Paul has the authority to speak plainly concerning the church members and the situation in Crete. There are no similar apostles today. The word "apostle" does mean a "sent one" and in that sense we have been sent by Christ as His witnesses.

Following Paul's thought of being sent by Christ, the Amplified Version has a very interesting paraphrase of the remainder of verse1, "to stimulate and promote the faith of God's chosen ones and lead them on to accurate discernment and recognition of and acquaintance with the Truth which belongs to and harmonizes with and tends to godliness." Read that paraphrase again slowly and take in the meaning of it. The first part of it could really describe our responsibility toward new Christians. Often they are neglected when as babes in Christ they should be carefully nurtured.

Is there someone you can help now? Could you "stimulate and promote their faith" ? It can mean very much to them and you yourself will only benefit.

