2008年8月18日 星期一

2008-08-18 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   哥林多前書十五章12至25節






Day 18

Bible Reading:   1 Corinthians 15:12-25
Could you draw two great circles in the air and imagine that one of them is labelled 'In Adam' and the other 'In Christ'? As a member of the human race you are in the first circle-in Adam; you were born into that circle. When you I receive Christ you move into the other circle, in Christ. There is no possibility of a third circle. You are in one or the other.

In Adam-that takes us back to the very beginning, when Adam refused to accept the only limitation God put on his liberty. It was a step of disobedience in a very small matter, but it was enough to separate Adam from God and to bring sin into the human race. Adam had been warned, but he refused to take notice of the warning. As Romans 5 tells us, by the disobedience of on~ many were made sinners. That word 'many' includes us all because we all belong to the family of Adam. Unless we move out of that circle we will be forever separated from God.

But there is heaven's answer to our need-Jesus Christ himself. In God's love and mercy he sent his Son to die for us. A new circle has been created and Paul says, 'As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive'~ There is life for all who step out of the Adam circle and come in faith to Jesus Christ and. find new life in him.

We don't grow from one circle to another. We cannot do it by ourselves. It is a step of faith in Jesus Christ. You are in Adam's circle simply because you have been born into this world, into the human race. You can't help that, but you can help remaining there. Are you willing to leave it? It has its attractions, but it is a place of separation from God.

Which circle are you in? In Adam or in Christ? In the place of death or the place of life? Are you the servant of sin or the servant of Jesus Christ? He is waiting to welcome you into his circle today.


There is life for a look at the crucified one-Jesus Christ.

There is life at this moment for you.
