2008年8月8日 星期五

2008-08-08 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   哥林多前書十章1至6節









Day 8

Bible Reading:   1 Corinthians 10:1-6
Paul gives a very strong warning to the Corinthians, and to us, in the first few verses of this chapter. He points out the privileges that Israel had, yet they failed God when they were tested.

Think of some of the things God did for them. The word 'all' occurs five times in these six verses. They all had guidance. How? By means of the cloud which God provided for them. It could be clearly seen. All they had to do was follow.

They all passed through the Red Sea. It is always true that those who walk in God's ways will be delivered by God's power. They all went down into the sea, into what would have been the place of death. They came up on the other side, delivered from their old enemy Egypt. It was as though they had all been baptised in the same way as we are baptised to show that we have passed from death unto life.

Did they need food? God provided it. Did they need water? It came from the Rock. In the same way all our needs are wonderfully supplied by Christ himself.

In spite of all this, the people of Israel failed. They were not satisfied with the way God guided them. They did not want to recognize Moses as their only leader. They did not like the food God provided.

They simply forgot God's goodness to them and murmured against God. When we become dissatisfied with what God is doing for us or planning for us; when we murmur against his will, we too will lose out on the very blessings God has for us. Israel thought they could go on without God, but they found out they couldn't.

What is the way of blessing? Acknowledge that everything we have has come from God and that he knows what is best for us at all times. If we do that, we will not fail as Israel failed so tragically.

Trust and obey for there's no other way

To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey.
