2008年8月31日 星期日

2008-08-31 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持


粵語 國語


讀經:   尼希米記五章1至13節








Day 31

Bible Reading:   Nehemiah 5:1-13
This is a sad chapter. It tells about trouble between the people who were supposed to be building the walls of the city. Instead of building, they were quarrelling with each other and taking advantage of each other.

The first group said they didn't have enough food. The second group said they had to give away their land in order to get food. The third group said they had to borrow money to buy food and were paying too high a rate of interest for it. It was all between members of the Jewish Community-the' people of God and that is what hurt Nehemiah the most. Trouble inside a church always hurts the whole church and gives a poor witness to those outside.

What other result was, there? The work on the walls stopped. There could be no progress, no co-operation while this trouble was going on.

Nehemiah was angry inside, over what some of the rich people were doing to the poorer people: What did he do? He sat down and thought about the problem. There were some things he couldn't do much about, but there were some things that he could. There were men who were breaking God's laws for his people and that was what Nehemiah could speak against. Nehemiah said bluntly, 'It's got to stop' (v.10-11).

The men concerned knew they were wrong. They had no answer for Nehemiah. But they did make a great response. It cost them something, but they were obedient to God's word through Nehemiah.

How could Nehemiah speak like this? One reason was his own integrity. He was not involved in any way with what the others were doing.

One of the most important things we can do when problems arise is to make sure that we ourselves are right before God-that we are living as he would have us live. That kind of example is hard to speak against.

Nehemiah said 'No' to sin because he said 'Yes' to God. Can we do anything less?

2008年8月30日 星期六

2008-08-30 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持


粵語 國語


讀經:   尼希米記四章8至14節






Day 30

Bible Reading:   Nehemiah 4:8-14
There is one problem which faces all of us from time to time. It is discouragement. In Nehemiah all of chapter 4 deals with this subject.

Here we are given several reasons why the people became discouraged. Look at verse 10. The people's strength was failing. They were tired. They had been working a long time at the seemingly endless task and they had become exhausted. That is one of the first reasons for discouragement.

Ask yourself-when do I feel most discouraged? Isn't it when you are most tired? When you have had a hard day and you feel too tired to go on? Then notice these people became tired half way through the job (v.6). When we are half way through, don't we begin to think the job is taking too long and we will never get finished? The result-discouragement.

Then notice, all that the people could see was rubbish (v.10). They had lost their vision of the finished wall and could only see the present situation. So you have a vision for the work of God where you are? Never lose it. It has been given to you by God. Don't let the present circumstances discourage you from seeing the fulfilment of that vision.

Then they became afraid. Fear took over. Who did they start quoting? Look at verse 12. 'Our enemies say.' Have you ever heard the phrase 'They say'? It is always something negative isn't it? When you listen to that, you lose your sense of security. Fear and discouragement take its place.

What is the cure for discouragement? Nehemiah grouped the people together more-into families. Then he allowed half of them to stand watch while the others worked. He gave some of them a rest. Most of all he directed their attention to the Lord. Look at verse 14. What did he say? 'Remember the Lord.' How do you do that? By remembering what he has done in the past and what he has promised to do for you now.

2008年8月29日 星期五

2008-08-29 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持


粵語 國語


讀經:   尼希米記三章1至6節







Day 29

Bible Reading:   Nehemiah 3:1-6
Did you ever see such a long list of unpronounceable names? Why are they given? There are 48 names or groups mentioned in this chapter, and it begins with the priests. They built the sheep gate area. That was where the lambs, were brought in for the sacrifices in the temple. They consecrated what they did to the Lord. What an example those priests gave to the rest of the people.

Then there are men and women here whose names we don't know. In verse 3 for example the father is mentioned, but not the names of the sons who did the work. Isn't this true in the Lord's work? When we get home to glory we will find out the names of many, many people who have worked for Christ, but whose names we never knew.

There is a long list of men from all kinds of backgrounds and various occupations. There were men who worked with jewels. There were chemists. There were women. There were the servants from the temple. You could call them deacons and deaconesses. Whatever their occupation they found opportunity in the work of God.

There were those too who built the wall nearest their own homes (v.10). Many houses were actually built as part of the old walls and now the new wall would protect their homes. A I good question to stop and think about would be, 'What are we doing to protect our homes from the attack of the enemy?'. The family needs to have a much larger place in our priorities than most of us give to it.

There were those who did not help in any way (v.5). Why? We aren't told, but obviously they didn't want to get involved. They came from the hills of Tekoa south of Jerusalem, the country where Amos the prophet came from. They were probably rich shepherds, so weren't interested in the city of Jerusalem except as a place to sell their sheep. They missed out on the work, but they missed out on the blessing too.


'Lord help me see what part is mine in your work today, and help me to do it.'

2008年8月28日 星期四

2008-08-28 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持


粵語 國語


讀經:   尼希米記二章11至20節






Day 28

Bible Reading:   Nehemiah 2:11-20
Can you imagine Nehemiah's feelings as he saw Jerusalem for the first time? He was thrilled, but he was also shocked. He was eager, but he was silent. He knew he was not quite ready for the great task ahead of him. Wherever would he start?

For three days he sat quietly thinking about it all-we could add praying too. There will be plenty of action in the days ahead. Now was the time for planning and prayer. The next step was to have a look for himself at the ruins of the walls. There would be rubbish to remove, vines to be pulled down, stones to be found and put back in place. He needed to plan how to use the people and how to get them started on the big job of rebuilding.

Then he talked with the 'people. He did not say,. 'You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You've lived here all these years and have done nothing.' Instead he identified himself with them in the task. He said, 'We have a problem; we need to db something. I believe God will help us. God is with us. The king is behind us. The job is in front of us. Let's get started.'

Nehemiah did not promise an easy future. But the people responded wonderfully. They said, 'Let us rise up and build'. They put their hands to the work and in chapter three we will hear about their first working bee.

But the moment they decided to begin, opposition started. Look at verse 19. We will meet these men time and time again in the book of Nehemiah. They will try in every way possible to hinder the work. But Nehemiah always had the, same answer. 'I stand-we stand-in-the will of God. If you stand against us, I warn you, God will deal with you.'

There will be times when we will know the will of God for our lives, and then opposition will come. What will we do? Our refuge will be the will of God. Look at the criticism and see why God has allowed it. We never learn much from compliments, but we can sometimes learn from criticism. At that time, above all, let us never take our eyes off the Lord who has called us to his work.

2008年8月27日 星期三

2008-08-27 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持


粵語 國語


讀經:   尼希米記二章1至11節






Day 27

Bible Reading:   Nehemiah 2:1-11
How do you approach a king who might cut off your head if he does not like what you are asking for? Nehemiah spent about four months in prayer before he made his first request to the king. He had said, 'Today', in 1:11 but the opportunity had not come for all that time. In the meantime Nehemiah kept praying. Now the time to speak suddenly arrived.

Nehemiah had tried not to allow his sadness about Jerusalem to show on his face, but one day it just broke through. The king asked, 'What's the matter with you? You look really sad today?'. Then all the emotions of the past few months flooded out as Nehemiah told his story.

The king said, 'What do you want to do? What have you got in mind?'. Notice again what Nehemiah did (v.4). 'So I prayed.' It would seem that the king did not want him to be gone too long because Nehemiah had a good testimony as a worker. That is very important for any Christian. Certainly a boss will do more for a good worker.

Nehemiah had been planning and working out how long it would take, what he would need and how the job could be done. Faith never shuts out planning. We can plan as well as pray. Then when the Lord moves, we will know what to do next.

The king agreed to all that Nehemiah asked for. Nehemiah then added two more requests. He would need letters to the various governors along the borders of each country. Also he would need timber out of the king's forests. God saw that all that Nehemiah needed was supplied by the heathen king.

But a different note is heard in verse 10. Whenever a servant of God tries to move ahead, there will always be someone who will oppose him. Opposition does not necessarily mean that you are out of the will of God. It may throw you back on God to make sure you are in his will. When that is affirmed, you must go on with the job God has given you to do, just as Nehemiah did.

2008年8月26日 星期二

網絡天糧 - 給您,你同行者










2008年8月21日 星期四

2008-08-21 Devotionals Today


訂閱天糧 | 轉介天糧 | 修訂訂閱 | 奉獻支持


粵語  國語


讀經:   哥林多前書十六章1至4節







Day 21

Bible Reading:   1 Corinthians 16:1-4
We have had several readings in the 15th chapter of this epistle. We have seen some wonderful truths of the Gospel. We have seen the proof of the resurrection, and spoken of how and when this will happen. We have had our eyes turned to the time when Christ comes again. Now suddenly Paul introduces a new note altogether 'the collection for the saints'. Paul had his head in heaven, but his feet were well and truly on the ground down here.

This collection was for the poor saints in Jerusalem. Paul had started the collection possibly with the hope that somehow it might overcome some of the opposition which seemed to face him everywhere. There had been a famine in Jerusalem and Paul wanted to help those in very real need.

The Corinthians might not be able to go to Jerusalem; but they could send their money. When we give our money, in one way we are giving part of ourselves. The exact amount that the Corinthians were to give is not stated, but there is a wonderful principle laid down here. 'As the Lord has prospered you.' An amount was to be given every week according to what the Lord had given them the previous week.

In the Old Testament, that amount was always one tenth. If the Jews under the law had to give that amount, surely we who are under grace should give at least that much.

What Paul said to the Corinthians still holds good today. We should give regularly to the Lord's work. We should do it recognizing that what we have has come from the Lord. We should determine what amount we should give week by week and be as faithful in giving that as we are in paying other bills or accounts. It is something we owe to God and if we hold it, back from him there will be lost blessing in our lives.


What can I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me?