在以西結時代有一個可悲的現象;而可悲的是,這個現象到今天依然存在。那就是:「哪裡有真貨,哪裡就有膺品;哪裡有麥子,哪裡就有稗子。」以西結確是神所揀選的先知,但在他周圍,卻有無數的假先知,專門講討百姓歡心的事。 這些假先知的足蹟遍佈耶路撒冷和巴比倫,他們不斷向猶太人預言,被擄生涯很快結束,他們很快可以重回故土。反之,以西結的任務,卻是要向同胞傳講一個不受歡迎的信息:「你們還要留在巴比倫很久。」當人們已聽信有人將謊言當作真理,以他們接受的方式傳講給他們,要說服他們接受真理,終非易事。 為此,神便教導以西結,透過至少四個象徵性行為和實物的公開示範,向百姓說明被擄的原因和有關的事實。第一個象徵性行動,是把耶路撒冷城畫在一塊泥版上,然後,再造一些高臺堡壘、軍營和撞錘等武器的模型,模擬耶路撒冷遭到圍攻的情景。 在做完這幅圍城的景象之後,以西結再以另一個令人心碎的象徵性行動,來說明圍城的時間(4至8節)和城內的恐怖狀況(9至17節)。其實,百姓依然在被擄之中,便足以證明以西結的信息和警告是正確的;然而,他們仍然不肯聽信神的真先知──以西結。 神為何要祂的百姓遭逢此劫,被擄到一個敬奉異教偶像的遠邦為奴呢?因為他們背逆神的律法,並公然拜其他偶像。神施予這一切懲罰,內在的目的和願望是要百姓回轉,重新歸向祂。 神會用不同的方式來管教我們,但目的卻始終如一:引領我們到一個新的境地,完全順服祂完美的旨意。祂對待我們,如同父親對待兒女,為的是要我們更像祂兒子耶穌基督。我們願意聽從祂的管教嗎? |
There is a tragic principle which was obvious in Ezekiel's day and, sad to say, is still with us today. It is this, "Wherever you find the genuine, you will also find the counterfeit. Where there is wheat, there are also tares." Ezekiel was a true prophet of God, but against him there were numerous false prophets, saying those things the people wanted to hear. These false prophets were active in both Jerusalem and Babylon. They repeatedly said the captivity would soon be over and the Jewish people would return to their own land. On the other hand, Ezekiel had the unwelcome task of saying, "You will be in Babylon for a long time." But it is always hard to convince men and women of the truth when they have been convinced of an untruth by a person who is dogmatic in their way of speaking. To help Ezekiel convey the real truth about the captivity and the reason for it, God gave him at least four symbolic actions or object lessons which he was to publicly demonstrate. The first one was a clay tablet with a drawing of the city of Jerusalem on it. Ezekiel was to draw mounds against it, with camps and weapons of war around it. This picture of a besieged city was followed by heart breaking symbols of both the length of the siege (vv.4-8) and the dreadful conditions inside the city (vv. 9-17). But the people still refused to listen to God's true prophet, Ezekiel, even though their own continuing captivity proved the truth of his message and warnings. Why did God allow His people to come to this disastrous situation far away from their own land and becoming slaves to a foreign heathen power? It was because they disobeyed God's laws and because of their outright idolatry. God's underlying objective and hope in all of this was to persuade His people to turn back to Himself. God's dealings with us are different but His objective is the same that we might be brought to a fresh place of surrender to His perfect will. He deals with us as His children with the purpose of our becoming more like His Son, Jesus Christ. Are we allowing Him to do this? |