2008年10月20日 星期一

2008-10-20 Devotionals Today


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讀經:   約翰壹書五章1至6節





Day 20

Bible Reading:   1 John 5:1-6

We hear of many people speaking about being 'born again' these days. What does the phrase mean? John speaks about someone being born of God (v. 1). Being born into God's family is the result of believing in Christ. We may come to that place by different roads but we all have to come to the place of faith-putting our trust in God and in his Son Jesus Christ. We are then born into God's family. Believing is more than saying 'I believe in God'. A lot of public speakers use the phrase 'God bless you', but we wonder if they know the God they are talking about. Believing is saying in one way or another 'I see myself as a lost sinner, who deserves God's punishment. I take Jesus Christ as my Saviour.'

Being 'born again' means that we will love the Father and also that we will love the other members of God's family. Usually a child's love for his 'or her parents will include love for the sisters and brothers also. Love for members of God's family will be shown by our caring for them, our patience with them and our desire to have fellowship with them. Some Christians are always wanting other people to do things for them. The true loving Christian will be looking for things he or she can do for others.

Another great evidence of being born again is that by our faith we will be victorious over the world around us (vv. 4-5). John could see how this was working out. The world of his day was filled with hate. The word Christ gave was 'love'. That world which knew only hate has long since passed away. It tried to stop the Christian church from ever getting started, but the love of Christ became a new weapon in an old world. The Christians showed how they could even love their enemies who wanted to kill them. Our world is still very much the same but our greatest weapons are our love for lost sinners, our faith in God himself and the strong assurance that we are members of God's family who one day will win the final victory through Christ.


Lord let the world see in me today what it means to be 'born again'.
