2008年10月15日 星期三

2008-10-15 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   約翰壹書二章3至11節








Day 15

Bible Reading:   1 John 2:3-11

How would you say a person really shows that he is a truly born-again Christian? By the things that he does not do, or by the things seen in his life from day to day?

There are three words in these verses which are a good test of a Christian. They are the words 'keeping', 'walking', 'loving'. Notice the first word, 'keeping', in verses 4 and 5. The proof of our faith is not in our language but in our life.

What Is God looking for? Our obedience, that is keeping his commandments. That does not necessarily mean the Ten Commandments that were given to Israel. It means the whole will and Word of God, especially the new commandment of love for each other. God looks for our willing obedience, not the obedience of a child who says 'Do I have to do that? She doesn't have to. Why do I have to?'

The second word is walking-in verse 6. The test of a person who professes to be a Christian is this-is he walking the same way that Christ walked? What does it mean to walk with someone? When we walk with someone, we keep in step with them. We have their companionship. We have the same destination. We may not always be talking, we may just be enjoying the fellowship of the other person even in silence. Christ was in step with the Father. He had the companionship of the Father constantly. He had the same plan as the Father. How does all this apply to our lives, our profession today?

Then the last word is loving, in verses 7-11. Jesus said himself that the test of a new life is in the area of love. Remember these words 'By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another'. John speaks about love for God (v. 5), love for another (v. 15) and of having no love for the world (v. 15).

Love and hatred are contrasted here also. They are the two most difficult attitudes to hide. When a person is in love, everyone knows it. When a person has wrong feelings against another, that is just as obvious also. What can others see in us today?


Lord teach me how to walk with Christ today.
