2008年9月17日 星期三

2008-09-17 Devotionals Today


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粵語 國語


讀經:   希伯來書四章1至11節







Day 17

Bible Reading:   Hebrews 4:1-11

Here is one of the most important chapters in the New Testament, but it is generally unknown by many Christians. Is there any message more needed in these busy, wearying days than being able just to rest in God and trust everything to him? This chapter says plainly that there is a rest waiting for all of God's children.

What stops us from knowing more of that rest and peace? This chapter states that it is unbelief-that is, lack of positive faith in God himself, in his goodness and in his purposes.

But some of us have tried. We have prayed and yet, somehow we still don't know God's peace. Remember it is God who is saying that it is lack of faith that robs us of his peace and rest. He mentions Israel, and says that they could have known peace and rest if they had only believed him. God warns us not to follow in their footsteps.

What is this rest spoken of here? It is not physical death. It is not heaven. It is not the land of Canaan. It is like resting because a certain task has been completed. It is the spiritual rest shared by the soul that has come into fellowship with God through Jesus Christ. It is the peace that comes into our lives as we learn to trust in him.

It is the result of faith that accepts the finished work of Christ. Faith which accepts the will of God and trusts our heavenly Father in spite of every circumstance.

Here is a hymn for us for today.

Jesus I am resting, resting
In the joy of what thou art.
