2008年7月23日 星期三

2008-07-23 Devotionals Today


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DAY 23

BIBLE READING: Revelation 3:14-22

God often works in series of seven. Creation was completed in seven days (the seventh was actually a rest day). There are many sevens in the last book of the Bible - seven angels, seven churches, seven stars, seven spirits, seven seals and seven trumpets. The book of Revelation tells of the completion of God's program for the world. Therefore we can say seven is the number of completion in Scripture. It is often called the perfect number.

This letter to the church at Laodicea is the seventh sent by Christ from his throne. It completes in a remarkable way the seven pictures of these local churches. More than likely we have seen our own church among these.

In a way this letter to this church is the saddest of all. In every other letter Christ has given some word of commendation, but he hasn't one good word to say about this church. He found nothing good in it even though they themselves thought they were a wonderful group of people.

They thought they were rich-Christ said 'Your riches count for nothing. In my eyes you are poor. You think you have good clothes. In my eyes you are naked. You think you can see everything. In my eyes you are spiritually blind. You are in desperate need of all the things you think you have.'

It was a professing church, but not a possessing church. It was a half-hearted church instead of a whole-hearted church. It was a lukewarm church instead of a burning church, burning with the love of Christ and the fire of the Spirit.

These dangers face the church today. It is only the reality of Christ and the work of the Spirit of God in the hearts of his people that will keep a church from becoming what the Laodicean church was. In that church they probably read the Bible, but did not obey it. They prayed, but even their prayers meant nothing to them. But Christ gave to this church one of his greatest promises. If anyone would open the door of his heart, Christ would come in and restore all that he should be and could be. Is there any greater promise than that?
