2008年5月23日 星期五

2008-05-23 Devotionals Today


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第 23 天










Day 23

BIBLE READING: James 1:19-27

One of our daily problems as a Christian is how to always speak to people in a Christlike way. It is so easy to let slip a few words we never intended to say. Yet as James says in verse 20 our anger does not let people see the love and holiness of God in our lives.

James also said in verse 19 that we should be 'quick to hear'. So many people today want someone to listen to them. Many of us are just too busy to sit and listen to someone else's troubles or even their joys. We want to talk about ourselves more than we want to hear their voices.

Perhaps it would be right to say that if we listen more, we should speak less. Then we might not say some of the things we afterwards regret.

James mentions a number of other things too which should or should not be seen in the life of a Christian. Possibly it is all summed up in his words about the Bible and the fact that we ought to be doing what it says we should do.

What would be the use of a mirror telling us that our face is dirty or our hair untidy if we don't take any notice of what the mirror tells us?

In the same way we need to remember what the Bible says to us as we read it. Then we must do exactly what it tells us we should do. It is as simple as that.

What does the world see and hear in our lives as Christians? That's what James wants to know. Read this section again. If it speaks to your heart, then do exactly what it tells you to do. That is the way of blessing.
